Monday, April 5, 2010

a glimmer of remembrance

College decisions are currently in full swing, and in the next few weeks I will have officially committed to a college. It's so surreal. I'll be a college student, living in my own dorm, with no parents controlling what I do. Wow, times have really changed. 

When I was little I used to think that being eighteen years old was the biggest thing in the world. In my mind, eighteen was just the age where everything happens and life truly begins. What I've realized since turning eighteen in January is that this year has been pretty life changing. I'm legally allowed to vote, though I have yet to register (it's on my to do list), I drive myself wherever I need to go, I've applied to colleges, been accepted (rejected and waitlisted) by colleges, and I'll be making one of the biggest decisions of my life in a matter of 2 weeks! 

Oh decisions, decisions, decisions...

Though I'm very excited about college, sometimes I just wish I could be a kid again. Watching Bill Nye (I know, I'm a bit of a nerd) and cartoons on Saturday mornings, eating Fruity Pebbles and King Vitamin cereal without a worry in the world, jumping out of trees without being afraid of the consequences and just living life as if each second was one to be treasured. As a child I hoped and dreamed for:

1. Freckles.
2. A puppy to love.
3. Really long hair that flowed down to the small of my back.
4. A tree house with window shutters, electricity, and a long rope ladder.
5. To successfully bake a mini chocolate cake in my little bake oven.
6. An electric scooter.
7. To wear glasses/braces.
8. A twin.
9. To win manhunt.
10. To pop a wheelie on my bike.

What did you wish for as a kid?

- christina

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