Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Gathering myself

It's been a very stressful two weeks, and it doesn't seem the work load is going to lighten anytime soon since I will be taking 4 AP Exams within the next 3 weeks..
School work aside, I've done a lot of thinking recently and come to a few conclusions:
1. Whenever I like a guy I find myself looking for ways to change my likes and dislikes to accomodate that person. It's something that took me this long to realize, and now that I finally have, it is something  that I truly want to and have to change. It seems that whenever I concentrate on myself I have the ability to be fully confident in whatever I like and don't like, but then I guess sometimes when we add another person into the equation the only way to make it a happy and perfectly meshing equation is to take up a strategy of compliance. So from this point on, one more goal to add to my list is to stick to my beliefs and not be swayed by those around me, even those I care for deeply, however unrequited it may be. Though this may seem quite stubborn on the surface, it really isn't because in the end I will be able to define myself as the person I truly am and not a jumbled mix of everyone else's likes, dislikes, desires, etc. 
2. I'm a huge procrastinator, obviously haha, since I'm writing this blog while I should really be studying for a Pre-Calculus quiz tomorrow and taking a shower before I go to bed...Then again I am a senior, so I think I'm slightly entitled to this current status of laziness and social loafing. Eventually it will all come to an end (in about 120 days or so...), so I'm going to milk this for as long as possible.
So that is what I've learned about myself recently, and I hope my realizations may help many of you to seek change within yourself, for yourself; and don't worry about pleasing anyone else because as a friend relayed to me..."Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

- christina

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Makes me want to smile..

Just the other day, while perusing the newest issue of Teen Vogue I came across Zee Avi. She is an amazing singer with a voice that brings me pure happiness. Some of her songs remind me of Jack Johnson (my favorite artist), while others make me dream of beautiful spring days where I'm lying in the grass while ladybugs crawl, and birds chirp overhead. Even though some of her songs are filled with heartbreak and bittersweet moments, I can't help but be encouraged to look on the bright side of life. I'm alive, I have my friends and my family by my side, and I'm ready to take on the world. What else do I need?
I am a honey bee
shun out from the colony
they wont let me in
so I left the hive
they took away all my stripes
and broke off both my wings
So ill find another tree
and make the wind my friend
and I’ll sing with the birds
they’ll tell me the secrets of the world
- Zee Avi

I hope all of you the greatest happiness in the world, you deserve it. If something is getting you down, don't let it. Just think of a better day, and eventually the dark clouds with pass, and life will be filled with sunshine and daisies. 

- christina

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Syracuse University Class of 2014!

After two days of intense travelling and adventure, it's official: Syracuse University Class of 2014!

So visiting Syracuse was definitely an adventure...
Against the advice and input of fellow peers, we took 2, count them 2 (1, 2), planes to Syracuse. We left from Philly then travelled on a semi-small plane seating about 48 people to New York's LaGuardia Airport. And then after a short layover (about 45 minutes - 1 hour) we took an even smaller plan with 36 seats (only about 8 were taken...) and propellers to Syracuse. The ride was pretty smooth, and the weather upon arrival was a beautiful 84 degrees and sunny.

After renting a nice new car, we eventually (after 1 wrong turn) made our way to the Sheraton Hotel on campus, where we would spend the night. 

We received free starbucks cups (empty), but I still thought it was cool because it also came with...

yumm =]

Since it was really the first time we've ever spent the night in a hotel not within the state (the Jersey shore...no fist pumping please) we decided to take full advantage of room service. This would later be a very very bad idea. We ordered wayy too much and had stomach aches for the entirety of our stay. But...at least the belgian waffles I had for breakfast were delicious =]

Aside from the hotel, the Syracuse campus was amazing! The architecture was absolutely breathtaking!
The day began with an introduction video and speeches from the Dean of Admissions and the Chancellor of Syracuse University. After inspiring words from these two women, we split up into various groups designated by college and major, my first being Newhouse for Magazine Journalism. We got to talk to and hear all about the Magazine major. Just listening about how the program is taught and what classes we get to take, made me realize that this is where I want to be. If I want to do this, I have to be here in this beautiful and competitive place. From that point on I grew more and more excited for my future.

After hearing from the school and students of Newhouse, we all went for lunch in the Carrier Dome - also very breathtaking and gigantic! Half of the field was covered with tables, and lined with various booths for clubs and organizations on campus. As we waited in line for our salad, pasta and garlic bread lunch, I couldn't help but look around and think this is where I'll be living next year. Chanting with Otto (our very own mascot) and completely painting my face orange and blue stripes. =]

Shortly after lunch, my mom and I went around the field to each of the booths, picking up free pens, post-its, a quishy toy ambulance and a stress ball in the shape of an orange. Along the way, I met my future roommate for the first time in person - her name is Stacie =] And we continued around the booths together.

Then came time for the tours, so we took a campus and residence hall tour together with our parents. All was great. We even had enough time to visit our second college (Arts and Sciences) where I'll be dual majoring in Anthropology. I got the chance to speak with a current senior who majored in Anthropology, and her many varied experiences inside and outside the United States made me want to graduate like now! haha. She travelled to China and her roommates travelled all over the world from Singapore to Italy. Gahh, sounds so perfect!

Before we left the campus, of course we had to go to the bookstore and buy anything and everything Syracuse. So I ended up leaving the campus with a sweatshirt, sweatpants, 2 t-shirts, a key chain and a bumper sticker. I know it's a lot, but I'm only getting started - wait until next year! haha =]

Then it came time for us to leave. With smiles on our faces, my mom and I picked up our rental car and left for the airport. This would only be the beginning of a very rough and unfortunate journey home. Eventhough the first half of the day was amazing, despite the drastic change in weather from the day before (now 40 degrees and windy), the second half of the day after we left was nothing short of a series of unfortunate events.

On the way to the airport we got lost 4 times, and ended up going in a ginormous circle on the Syracuse highway...twice. Then when we finally reached the airport and returned the car we had to go through security. Well, unlike the day before, I put my hair up with about 6 hair clips, which I forgot to take out before going through security. So I'm sure you guessed it...the metal detector went off three times and I was pulled to the side by a female security officer. After being frisked by a handheld metal detector and the officer (oh soo much fun...), I was let go and we went on to the appropriate gate and terminal for our flight. After getting there very early (about 3 and a half hours before the flight time), we grabbed an early dinner and sat for a very long time. When the time for our plane to arrive passed with no plane in sight, we worried we would not make our connecting flight in New York. Thankfully at that moment our plane pulled up next to the gate...but one of the propellers seemed to be moving slower than the other. We later found out that maintenance was called to fix the propeller, which took about 2 hours, and would therefore make us late for our connecting flight. But thanks to U.S. Airways Express we were reimbursed with two tickets straight to Philly leaving at 8:30pm (an additional 4 hours from the time our original plane had arrived). So we waited for our new plane to arrive, and during that time it began to snow! It was just 84 the previous day as I mentioned, and now it was snowing! That's crazy Syracuse weather for you - snowing in April!

Sorry about the horrible picture quality.

So the plane finally arrived and after an additional delay of 15 minutes, which were spent to de-ice the plane, we were finally headed back to Philly. Oh but the unfortunate events aren't over yet. Due to the extreme difference in temperatures in Syracuse and New York, the mixture produced A LOT of turbulence during the flight, causing one passenger to throw up. As I covered my ears and hoped the last 30 minutes of the flight would go by faster, I took the time to just peer out the window and watch the beautiful glimmers of light down below us. One gem in our unfortunate night. We finally arrived and walked to the nearest bus which would take us to the airport parking lot in order to pick up our car. Once in the parking lot, we spent 30 minutes looking for our car, believing for a while that someone had stolen it. But then, we saw the back of our car sticking out in one of the rows. Thank God, we found it.

And at last, we drove home ending our amazing adventure mixed with tons of smiles and freak outs. And that my friends, was my trip to Syracuse University. It was definitely one to remember. Oh, and one in my future: SU Class of 2014 here I come!!


- christina

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

dreams let you prepare for your future...

For the past week I've been on my official spring break, which will sadly come to an end on the 12th. Even though I had such high hopes for an exciting break, my time has been mainly spent doing the usual - watching movies, hanging out with friends, eating and sleeping. Pretty boring I know, but luckily, my dreams have given me all the escape I wish I could experience in reality.

Amidst my dreaming reality at 3am this morning, I was in the middle of touring the countryside of Italy (something I've dreamed of doing since I was born, basically). Seeing the beautiful tuscan fields of grapevines and being able to bike my way down the dirt roads surrounding the area made me want to jump out of my body with excitement. All I could think waking up this morning to Samantha Brown's Passport to Europe was that I wish I could be traveling the world right now. I've always wanted to and lately my dreams have been filled with recurring images of the places I will (I hope that by saying 'i will' that it will happen someday. I need all the wishful thinking I can get...) someday visit - Italy (the countryside and Cinque Terre), France (Paris, of course, and Nice), Greece, the UK (London among others), India, Spain (Madrid and Barcelona), Morocco, Peru, and this list goes on and on..

A picturesque field in Tuscany, Italy.

While I'm sitting in my living room, watching Samantha Brown's First Cruise (I know it's sad how often I watch the travel channel, but hey it will prepare me for my "someday" adventures across the globe), I have a few friends visiting Italy and Greece thanks to a Latin class spring break excursion (if only I took Latin as my language requirement!). Jealously aside, I'm still happy at the thought that one day, hopefully very soon (most likely in college with study abroad trips, etc) I'll be able to make visiting these places my real reality, rather than just a dream.

So where have you always dreamed of going?

My dream: Cinque Terre (in Northern Italy)

- christina

Monday, April 5, 2010

allergies, allergies go away, please don't come back another day...

As I sit here in my living room watching the opening game of the baseball season (!!) - Phillies vs. Nationals (GO PHILLIES!), the effects of the spring season have begun to take a toll on me. Though Spring is my second favorite season (Autumn being my first), this year I've come down with the worst case of allergies I've ever had - runny/stuffy nose, sore throat, coughing, watery/itchy eyes...basically you can name any allergy related symptom, and I've got it.

Despite my current physical condition, my spirits are high! The Phillies are currently winning 11-1(ahhh!!!!) at the top of the 7th, and the weather outside is beautiful! What more could I ask for?

Later today I'm going to see The Last Song with a few buddies, who I haven't had a chance to hang out with since September! So I'm really excited about the day, even though I'm not exactly a Miley Cyrus fan. I figured, if the movie reaks of cliches and horrible acting, at least I'll have another reason to poke fun at the teen mogul.

Oh and just a little update on my college decision:
I'm currently 97% sure Syracuse University is the place for me! I'll be visiting on the 9th of this month, and hopefully by seeing the campus I'll gain that last 3% of certainty, and convince my parents it's worth the cost (this is going to be a toughie..).

I can't wait until I can finally accept my offer of admission and wear my very first college sweatshirt (this weather might turn that into a t-shirt, but oh well =])!
I'll keep you updated, and hopefully have some pics of the campus when I get back. 
Until then, enjoy the beautiful spring weather and don't be afraid to break out the sundresses and sandals!

- christina

a glimmer of remembrance

College decisions are currently in full swing, and in the next few weeks I will have officially committed to a college. It's so surreal. I'll be a college student, living in my own dorm, with no parents controlling what I do. Wow, times have really changed. 

When I was little I used to think that being eighteen years old was the biggest thing in the world. In my mind, eighteen was just the age where everything happens and life truly begins. What I've realized since turning eighteen in January is that this year has been pretty life changing. I'm legally allowed to vote, though I have yet to register (it's on my to do list), I drive myself wherever I need to go, I've applied to colleges, been accepted (rejected and waitlisted) by colleges, and I'll be making one of the biggest decisions of my life in a matter of 2 weeks! 

Oh decisions, decisions, decisions...

Though I'm very excited about college, sometimes I just wish I could be a kid again. Watching Bill Nye (I know, I'm a bit of a nerd) and cartoons on Saturday mornings, eating Fruity Pebbles and King Vitamin cereal without a worry in the world, jumping out of trees without being afraid of the consequences and just living life as if each second was one to be treasured. As a child I hoped and dreamed for:

1. Freckles.
2. A puppy to love.
3. Really long hair that flowed down to the small of my back.
4. A tree house with window shutters, electricity, and a long rope ladder.
5. To successfully bake a mini chocolate cake in my little bake oven.
6. An electric scooter.
7. To wear glasses/braces.
8. A twin.
9. To win manhunt.
10. To pop a wheelie on my bike.

What did you wish for as a kid?

- christina