Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Life, New Blog

Hey everyone!
So since starting college, I feel like a lot has changed. I've learned so much, grown a great deal, and feel like I've outgrown my previous blog "Unruffled Feathers". If you're still interested in keeping up with me I've moved to Life's Oodles on Wordpress! I'd love for you all to check it out! It's a lot more structured than in the past, so hopefully I'll be able to keep it up! Hope to see you all there!

Lots o' love, Christina

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Photojournalist Spotlight: Steve McCurry

After following a tip from a friend, I discovered the infamous Steve McCurry, the man known for one of the most well-known National Geographic magazine covers ever - The Afghan Girl. I have never seen more beautiful photographs in my entire life - his sheer breadth of work is beyond inspiring. So if you're looking for great photography that gives you a rare glimpse into the lives of many different cultures check him out. You will not be disappointed, that I can promise you.
Here's his blog; and here are some of my favorite photos of his...

If I ever had the opportunity to travel as a photojournalist, this is the kind of work I would be honored to do. Thank you Steve McCurry for bringing such beauty, pain, and emotion to my eyes. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

"And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow." ~ Gilbert K. Chesterton

Hello all!
It's been a dreary few days here in Syracuse...full of sickness, sleep deprivation, and today's added bonus of rain. Thanksgiving break couldn't have come at a better time - (only 6 days away!) I just wish I could skip the rest of my classes for the day to relax on my bed, drink a cup of steaming hot apple cider and listen to the wind howling at my window. Oh only to dream...
the view from my window. i'm in love.
Until next time,

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Just a little something to brighten your day...

Lately it seems I can't hold back my excitement whenever I see an adorable little animal, so I thought I'd share my happiness with all of you. Here are two videos which basically brought me to tears, embarrassingly. Enjoy!


gahh, so adorable! <3

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

a new understanding of college

Looking back at myself over this last year, and the previous years of my life I've come to realize I've changed a great deal. Like a stunted butterfly I strived to transform into something beautiful, some unknown idea of perfection and self-worth, since before I can even begin to remember. No matter what direction I chose to take, I always felt lost - waiting for something new to attract my attention and guide me down a new path. Since starting college I've realized that all of these ideas, whether or not they were mine, were lacking true worth. Just this moment, I've begun to discover true happiness, beauty, determination, independence and the list goes on and on. None of these elements of life can truly be defined by anyone but yourself. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe much of what other people say, which is probably why I decided I had a passion for journalism such a long time ago. Journalism gives you the chance to discover every possible truth for yourself (selfishly), and also for others who are feeling lost and need some sense of direction, some guiding light. 
College has opened my eyes to such a new world. So many things that I thought I knew about certain kinds of people, the way the world works and even myself, all seem to have been wrong. I've always prided myself on being open-minded, but I don't think I ever really was until now. I've met so many different kinds of people and I've learned more than ever not to judge a book by it's cover or even it's reviews. The only way you can come to appreciate the book, and in this case, life, is to go out there and take it all in. Do all that you've dreamed of doing and what you never thought you could see yourself trying. Explore far beyond your comfort zone. Meet people who you wouldn't ordinarily approach. With it all comes the opportunity to rediscover the world around you, and redefine who you are in the process. This is why I've come to love college so much - it's the perfect opportunity to rediscover, redefine and just explore all that there is to see in this world. 
So get out there and just do it,

Monday, September 13, 2010

College Life

Hey everyone, it's been quite a while!
Yesterday marked the official third week of college, and I can't believe it's only been that long! It feels as if I've been here in Syracuse for months, and the amazing people I've met seem to be friends I've known all my life. It's impossible to describe just how fantastic this experience has been for me. I've loved every single moment of it, even having to do homework and read countless pages of semi-dull material - all because of my hilarious and always-entertaining group of friends.
Just a slight recap of what's been going on here in Syracuse since I moved in on August 22nd. For the first three days I volunteered with Habitat for Humanity on campus.
We painted a Jewish Community Center, a recently foreclosed Habitat house and made/served lunch at a food pantry on the Near Westside, also known as the Salt District (an inspiring community which is currently under the process of rebuilding their image). During this experience I met so many amazing, kind-hearted people, most notably a woman named Mother Earth. This courageous and infinitely inspiring woman is the most loving person I've ever met in my entire life. Through countless heartbreaks and hardships, she continues to spread the message of "good" and "love" through the Syracuse community. Having met her and heard her story, I've been inspired to help those in not only the Near Westside community, but also in my own community - wherever that may be in the future. During my Habitat experience, I also met one of my closest friends, Hannah. She is always fun to be around, makes me laugh incessantly and is the perfect person to play a duet with on the ukulele.

Since Habitat, I've come to meet so many great people on my residence hall floor including Rosie "Ro Ro", Bryan "BChoo" and Lexi "Panda" - when we're all together, it's bound to be a good time. Also, my amazing roommate Stacie "Habeeb" is always around for a good laugh, a random Gilmore Girls moment, or just someone to talk to when you're getting stressed out. I feel infinitely blessed and lucky to have met such great people. I can't wait to see what the future holds for all of us.

Hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying life! Carpe diem!


Saturday, August 21, 2010

Last day at home...

After months of stress, excitement and preparation this day has finally come. Tomorrow I will be on my way to my new home in Syracuse, and I couldn't be more psyched and anxious - I say that in the best way possible. It's just time. It's time for a new beginning, a fresh start. This summer was nothing short of amazing - spending so much time with my closest friends, and exploring the world in so many different ways. I loved every second of it - except for the humidity, of course. Good thing I'm going to basically the coldest area in the northeast, it will allow me to make great use of my excessive number of scarves.
Just looking at my life in boxes and bags is so surreal, in less than 14 hours I'll be moving out and living on my own. No parents, no limitations, no safety nets. It's so exhilarating and at the same time very nerve-wracking - having to do everything for myself with no help. I think I'm ready for the challenge, it will be a good test of strength - physically, emotionally and of course, intellectually. 

I'll be sure to post up a picture or two of my new home, but for now my stuff piled in the garage will just have to suffice. Until tomorrow! 


Friday, August 20, 2010

Perseid meteor shower

If you're like me, you missed this miraculous event earlier this month. Even though I was actually prepared for the meteor shower, the cloudy sky wouldn't allow me to see it. So after searching the web, I've found a great time-lapse video of the event and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Moments like this make you truly believe in something bigger than yourself.

Friday, August 13, 2010

A childhood memory with new insight

"Alone with myself
The trees bend to caress me
The shade hugs my heart."

- Candy Polgar
On a recent adventure into memories of my early childhood, I visited the local zoo in my area with a few friends. Since I was young I've always had a wild fascination with animals - yes, I'm that person who can't help but "ooh and aww" at anything that looks remotely beautiful or adorable. Unlike the few prior visits I made to the zoo, this trip was much more profound and meaningful to me. As a child, wandering in awe at the beautiful sights of the animals was all I could do, but now instead of seeing just the animals I've come to see and sympathize with their struggles to live within an artificially created habitat. Looking at these magnificent animals all I could think was I'm so sorry. I wanted to break them out of their cages and set them all free like a naive child in her first science class. It's so sad that in the process of our own human quest for knowledge and control, we've altered the lives of so many different species. Don't get me wrong, I love learning all that I can about different animals and I know it's difficult to do that without observing them - but why can't we do that in their natural habitats? It may be more wearisome, but how would we feel if we were made to live in cages or a very limited space in order to indirectly teach another species our way of living? Despite my objections to their captivity, in a sense, I loved seeing the animals - they were all so amazing to witness up close. In addition to the wonderful animals, I came across this very large grounded tree along one of the pathways in the zoo. Its great size and protruding roots were mesmerizing - so much so I had to take a picture, I hope you enjoy it; also here are a few more photographs from the trip.


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fruit Picking!

Just recently a few of my best friends and I took a trip to a local farm, seeing as it is currently blueberry and peach picking season (oh and corn, can't forget about the discounted corn...). Amidst crowds of families and children on field trips, there we were: four young women, soon to be college freshman...despite the lack of people our own age, the experience was truly amazing and so much fun. I just thought I'd share a few pictures from our day trip for your viewing pleasure.
