Saturday, August 21, 2010

Last day at home...

After months of stress, excitement and preparation this day has finally come. Tomorrow I will be on my way to my new home in Syracuse, and I couldn't be more psyched and anxious - I say that in the best way possible. It's just time. It's time for a new beginning, a fresh start. This summer was nothing short of amazing - spending so much time with my closest friends, and exploring the world in so many different ways. I loved every second of it - except for the humidity, of course. Good thing I'm going to basically the coldest area in the northeast, it will allow me to make great use of my excessive number of scarves.
Just looking at my life in boxes and bags is so surreal, in less than 14 hours I'll be moving out and living on my own. No parents, no limitations, no safety nets. It's so exhilarating and at the same time very nerve-wracking - having to do everything for myself with no help. I think I'm ready for the challenge, it will be a good test of strength - physically, emotionally and of course, intellectually. 

I'll be sure to post up a picture or two of my new home, but for now my stuff piled in the garage will just have to suffice. Until tomorrow! 



  1. isn't it crazy how are lives can just be thrown into a few boxes bags or a storage unit..haha.. it shows just how temporary THINGS are.. always changing..

    excited for you to move! are you going to school or just living on your own and working?? :)

  2. have a great time moving out lol - i hate moving xxxxx

  3. awww I miss you already!! <3 Have fun at Syracuse :]
