Wednesday, September 22, 2010

a new understanding of college

Looking back at myself over this last year, and the previous years of my life I've come to realize I've changed a great deal. Like a stunted butterfly I strived to transform into something beautiful, some unknown idea of perfection and self-worth, since before I can even begin to remember. No matter what direction I chose to take, I always felt lost - waiting for something new to attract my attention and guide me down a new path. Since starting college I've realized that all of these ideas, whether or not they were mine, were lacking true worth. Just this moment, I've begun to discover true happiness, beauty, determination, independence and the list goes on and on. None of these elements of life can truly be defined by anyone but yourself. I don't know about you, but I find it hard to believe much of what other people say, which is probably why I decided I had a passion for journalism such a long time ago. Journalism gives you the chance to discover every possible truth for yourself (selfishly), and also for others who are feeling lost and need some sense of direction, some guiding light. 
College has opened my eyes to such a new world. So many things that I thought I knew about certain kinds of people, the way the world works and even myself, all seem to have been wrong. I've always prided myself on being open-minded, but I don't think I ever really was until now. I've met so many different kinds of people and I've learned more than ever not to judge a book by it's cover or even it's reviews. The only way you can come to appreciate the book, and in this case, life, is to go out there and take it all in. Do all that you've dreamed of doing and what you never thought you could see yourself trying. Explore far beyond your comfort zone. Meet people who you wouldn't ordinarily approach. With it all comes the opportunity to rediscover the world around you, and redefine who you are in the process. This is why I've come to love college so much - it's the perfect opportunity to rediscover, redefine and just explore all that there is to see in this world. 
So get out there and just do it,

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