Monday, May 31, 2010

i'm in love

So I am absolutely head over heels in love with...the pixie. This once popular haircut from the 60's has recently made a resurgence, and it is better than ever. After about two weeks of mild obsession, which began while reading VegNews, who's cover model for this month is Ginnifer Goodwin (love her!), I can confidently say I am in love. Then as more confirmation of my feelings, while reading one of my favorite blogs cupcakesandcashmere, I came across yet another amazing blog (which is quickly becoming my new favorite) theglamourai, in which the blogger Kelly, has recently trimmed her hair to a pixie length. It looks so chic, classic and oh so effortless. It reminds me of the effortless beauty and style of Audrey Hepburn, who has always been a style icon of mine. At this moment I would love nothing more than to have this haircut, but I don't know if I have the right face shape or gusto to support it. Maybe once school is out and summer has fully set in, I'll gain enough confidence and courage to just go for it! Until then, I can just dream...

absolutely love Ginnifer Goodwin

Carrie Mulligan, so pretty

Kelly from theglamourai

absolutely stunning. flawless.


Monday, May 24, 2010

Sweet Sounds of Two Great Men

Today was a lovely day - beautiful weather and at the moment, beautiful music. I'm currently listening to the sweet sounds of Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble, two men's voices who I absolutely adore. Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong era - I love classic films, good old music, getting dressed up, dreaming of dancing to Frank Sinatra at some big fancy event...It's all just a pleasant thought, I guess. I just wish more people liked the classics - they're called classics for a reason. Some of the best films and music came from the first 60 years of the last century, and I'm committed to acknowledging that fact.

In order to avoid writing an extremely long post yet again, I'll just end today's thoughts with some of my favorite Sinatra quotes/lyrics:

"I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life, a man who had good friends, fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that, actually."

"Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe. I'm honest."

"With each word, your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apart. And that laugh, that wrinkles your nose touches my foolish heart. Your lovely, with your smile so warm and your cheek so soft, there is nothing for me but to love you." - The Way You Look Tonight

- christina 

Sunday, May 23, 2010

It feels so good to be alive.

Helloo there! It's been a busy past few weeks, but nonetheless more amazing than I could have ever hoped for. I finished taking all of my AP exams, experienced an amazing prom and after prom shore weekend, and enjoyed the perks of being a senior (aka barely any work). I've started to find a nice balance in my life, and it feels so good to just be alive. I'm confident in myself, my friendships, and what the future holds for me (whatever that may be haha). 

It seems like it was just September and I was so anxious and excited for my final year of high school. And now...there is one month left until I graduate! I can't believe it's already here! It's so bitter sweet. In the last couple of months I've grown so much closer to all of my friends and made some great new ones as well, which makes it that much harder to believe that the next 31 days is all I have left to spend with a good majority of the people I've shared my life with for the last four years and then some. I just want to soak in every second of it, and take nothing for granted. I don't want to regret not doing the things that I've always wanted to do. One for example is to sit under this gazebo I've passed by every day, multiple times a day, on my way to different classes. It's a quaint little place surrounded by a few attempts at shrubery and such, and I just can't shake this desire to sit under it. Everyone always says to me, "one day," but I think I might just have to make it happen tomorrow. Hopefully it's not taken...we'll just have to see :)

In addition to the craziness surrounding finishing up last minute projects, papers and other assignments for the final marking period, I've finally found some time to delve into the kind of reading I've always wanted to do. Just the other day I stopped by the local Borders and read for hours. I picked up so many random books and magazines that ranged from Chinese Horoscopes to Buddhism for Beginners and Food Inc. to Archaeological discoveries. Of course I bought the majority of the items I pulled off the shelves, and have only found time to read a few of the magazines and excerpts from Oceans (book based on the Disney movie). Just reading about the calamitous effects of global warming in Oceans and the reprehensible and  dishonest food production occuring in the United States in Food, Inc. made me want to make a difference somehow. Since I was a child, I've always dreamed of helping people, and after becoming more politically, socially and environmentally conscious in the last few years, I've learned that I want to make an even greater difference in our world. So this has led me to strive for a few new goals:

  1. Short Term: Join the pre-orientation program at Syracuse for Habitat for Humanity, in which I arrive at Syracuse sooner than the rest of my classmates to build a house for the underprivileged of the surrounding city. (Check!)
  2. Short Term/Long Term: Become an official vegetarian! (For years, I haven't touched red meat and have only survived off the occassional chicken, deli meat, and breakfast bacon, but now I'm commited to actually become a vegetarian. And to begin the official process, I took the Veg Pledge - a little late, but it still counts!)
  3. Long Term: Spend my life traveling the world helping people (possibly through writing journalistic pieces, books, or just lending a hand in some way)

So right now as I'm sitting here on the couch contemplating my next move, I can't help but dream of the wonderful work I can and will do for the rest of my life. It feels so good to have a purpose. 

And just if you were interested here are a few of the highlights of my amazing prom weekend..Enjoy!

From Prom:

Best friends, me & Simmi <3

my crazy friends..Nat, Chris and Kyra :D

The Journalism Crew rocking the 'stache! 
From Left to Right: Jenn, me, Ryan, Amber, Natalie, & Vania

Posing for pictures outside: Vania, Natalie, Alice & me

Gorgeous ladies...Amber & Amy

My friend and impromptu date for the night, Jeff

From Prom Weekend
down the shore <3

best friends, me & Amy <3

Amber & me

Enjoying some delicious funnel cake

Vania & me

Being bored on a bench...Skye, me and Dana <3

An amazing end to an amazing weekend with some amazing friends <3
Brooke, Alice, Xing, Skye, me, Amber, Dominique, Vania & Amy (& Dana not pictured)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Picnic + Humidity = Sweat and Love

Yesterday was the perfect day for a after a few words here and there Saturday Night and a quick stop at the local Shoprite Sunday at noon, we were off to the park!

The sun was shining and the bees were buzzing. It was the perfect 5 hours. Vania, Amy, Natalie and I sat on pink tablecloths, sipped organic lemonade, stuffed our faces with potato chips and strawberry shortcake, and swapped stories about life, love and everything in between. We played frisbee, hit some baseballs, juggled a bit, and ended up collapsing on the grass to play some scrabble. The day was amazing, and I have the sunburn to prove it.

You guys make everyday exciting, fulfilling and full of love. Here's a few memories from our picnic in the park. Enjoy!

Amy, me, Vania, Natalie <3

Setting up in the gazebo

Amy, me, Natalie

Laughing a bit under the sun

delicious strawberries.. yum

thinking of that special la


- christina

Saturday, May 1, 2010

I need to be bold, need to jump in the cold...say you want the same thing too...say you feel the way I do

Currently watching...Pretty in Pink.

And at the moment, I'm also listening to way too many songs about hoping with all of your being for the person you like to like you back. It's happened by chance, but oh is it so fitting.

If you're in the same situation and are in need of some good tunes for reflection try pretty much anything by Joshua Radin, Jack Johnson, and Missy Higgins. Their soothing vocals and acoustics will bring a smile to your face and stir up pleasant memories with that special someone.. ;)

So aside from my current bubbly state of infatuation hehe, I'm enjoying my Saturday just sitting around the house, working out, and avoiding homework at all costs. Nothing new, and I know that all too well.

Even though today was a very lazy day, last night was a good time. I went out with my closest friends, Amber and Vania. After a long chat about this and that at the local starbucks we took a trip to Dunkin Donuts to continue our talk. Whenever we hang out, it's always a good time and here's a few pictures from last night as well as last Saturday when we were joined by Amy, another best friend :)

such pretty ladies...from left to right: Amber, me, Amy, and Vania

Amber, me, Vania.

fear of the nonexistent haha...Amber, Vania, me, Amy

from last night...Vania and me

candid: thinking

So after experiencing two amazing weekends, and reflecting back on them I can't help but think: I'm going to miss you guys. Love you.

- christina