Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Raw, True Emotion

Tonight I had the opportunity to observe an AA meeting (as a school assignment), and I have to say it was an amazing experience. Upon first arriving I was a little nervous and felt out of place, but within the first five minutes I felt completely comfortable. 
There were 16 women in the room, and as they went through their anniversaries, I was truly inspired. One woman had reached one year of sobriety today, and the joy in the room was so overwhelming. There was so much genuine caring and love among the women that just made me feel so happy and lucky to witness it.
At today’s meeting they discussed Step 3: the willingness to surrender oneself to a “Higher Power.” After we read about the step, each woman shared her own story with complete honesty, speaking directly from the heart without worrying about what others would think. Their stories opened my eyes to the true struggles of alcoholism and addiction, and I am grateful for what I have learned. 
The most shocking part of this entire experience for me was actually the appearance of these women. Society has sort of portrayed alcoholics and addicts almost as “untouchables,” and what I realized today was just how normal these women are. Some of them were only a few years older than me, and others could be my mother, my aunt, or my grandmother. I realized that the taboos associated with those struggling with addiction are harsh and untrue.
These women were so kind, open and accepting. It’s hard to hear that anyone would judge them because of their struggles with addiction, because they are all such good people. 
I witnessed such true, raw emotion from these women. The pain and heartbreak they've had to deal with is something most people couldn't even fathom how to handle. These women have been through it, and have come out survivors in my book.
This experience has inspired me to never judge someone based on their past or struggles. If someone is willing to better themselves, they deserve all of the respect in the world.

Is it better to let others see your faults, or hide them in fear of what they might think?

- christina

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