Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of." - Charles Richards

This past week has been nothing short of amazing, and it seems to just keep getting better and better. Each day there's always something new going on - something new to do or discover. And for the first time in my life I feel like I'm truly seizing the day. I'm no longer sitting at home wishing I would do something; now I'm actually out there, taking a chance, and living my life. It feels so fulfilling. I've loved every moment, even those that are filled with nervous jitters and the unknown.

As for the last week, I've been very busy. Last Friday was Senior Banquet - which I have to say was ten times more fun than prom for reasons which would exceed a reasonable number if I were to ever recount each. I think it will suffice to say that it was an amazing night, followed by an enjoyable weekend during which I went bowling with Vania and Amy and also attended my good friend Natalie's 18th Birthday/Graduation party. [Pictures below]

In addition to that, the last two editions of The Voyager, our school newspaper, finally came out which is very exciting! Also, I got two poems published in my school's Literary Club Magazine :) [Read below]

So in all, it's been a pretty spectacular week and in four days I'll be graduating high school! I can't believe it's finally here! It's so surreal - so bitter sweet, more sweet than bitter of course though. I can't wait to just throw my cap up in the air and know that I've accomplished everything that I set out to do freshman year and then some.

I hope all of you are enjoying life..Carpe Diem!

From Senior Banquet

my outfit for the night..

Me and Natalie :)

Simmi and Me

Amy, me and Vania before the Banquet :)

Everyone <3


Vania, Amy and me

Natalie's 18th/Graduation Party!

Me and Vania

Xin, Jada, Natalie and me :)

With the Birthday Girl! Delicious chocolate strawberries..yum

Me, Xin and Jada just hanging out on the couch

And then here are the two poems which were published in the Lit Magazine:


You walked by, with your usual nonchalance –
the airs of a gentlemen.

Goose bumps crept up my spine
As a deep crimson stained my cheeks.

Each glance made me smile
Each moment, a chance to breathe.

For a while you gave me air,
But now you’re just a passing gasp.

Each day is a struggle
Each moment spent near you,
            an unknown emotion.

How to feel around the unrequited?
How should you feel – in the wake of such uncertainty
and fear?

I gave you all of me
            Or so I thought.

Was it me all along – the bearer of such heartbreak?
- the clog in the pipe?

They all said it was you
            Or just time.

But they didn’t understand what we had
            Then again, neither do I.

Leaves frown upon the end of their time,
Saddening all that notice with their dulling colors
And deforming shapes.

Rotting from base to crest,
Stealing lives from the undefended.

A strong gust of wind,
No saving grace.

A boiling drop of frost,
No shielding hand.

Take notice,
At the injustice of the skies,
And the glimmer through the clouds.
One day fortune may not be so favored,
And life will be left up solely to the divine.

love, christina

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