Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together." ~ Jack Kerouac

For weeks now I've begun immersing myself into the world of environmental science. I've watched countless specials on National Geographic and the Discovery Channel, most recently the 4 part series entitled 'How the Earth Changed History,' which is a very compelling account of not only the human impact on the earth and its' natural processes, but also a basic overview of earth's basic elements of water, fire, and sky. I've also been reading Oceans, and other magazine articles based on anything and everything from global climate change to oceanic pollution and how it's all affecting the world animal population. Learning more about the physical world around me, has inspired me to not only pursue a degree in Earth Sciences at Syracuse on top of my already dual major in anthropology and magazine journalism, but also to dedicate a good portion of this blog to speak about different eco-friendly and environmentally conscious topics. Hopefully as I begin to learn more about the environment and what we can do to improve its conditions, through this blog you'll also be able to become more conscious of your surroundings and learn how to treat the earth with kindness and what it needs to survive and thrive.

This is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch or the Pacific Trash Vortex and it is, as you can see in this image, a highly concentrated area of plastics, chemical sludge, and other debris larger than the size of Texas that is floating in the Pacific Ocean. We've known about this highly polluted area for years now, and nothing has yet to be done to help the situation. While everyone's mind is concentrated on the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, our oceans have been suffering for such a long time now and it is up to our generation to fix the problem.

In addition to speaking more about the environment, I'm also going to start blogging about healthy and organic food. Recently, as I was researching alternative spring break trips at Syracuse I came across an opinion piece written by Angela Hu of The Daily Orange about WWOOF or World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms. This is an international organization of hosts and volunteers who come together in different locations across the globe to either as the host, teach how to sustain an organic farm and the need for such farms to be increased vastly in number, or as the volunteer, who travels to a host family's location in order to help work the farm and also learn about how to sustain organic crops. Here is the link to the article and also to WWOOF's website for more information: Article and WWOOF . 

I truly believe that it is possible to convince humankind that taking care of the planet is well worth our time, and I know now that I want to and need to dedicate my life to helping spread the word about living a healthy and happy eco-friendly life.

A few words that resonated with me...
"In America today you can murder land for private profit.  You can leave the corpse for all to see, and nobody calls the cops." ~ Paul Brooks, The Pursuit of Wilderness, 1971

We must be the cops,

Saturday, June 26, 2010

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. ~ Abraham Lincoln

This last week has been an amazing whirlwind of accomplishment, fun, and love. I couldn't be happier with how life has been going lately. This past Wednesday I finally graduated from high school! It's been a long roller coaster ride these last four years, and I am so excited to begin anew in Syracuse this fall! But before I get ahead of myself, this summer is going to be amazing - my closest friends and I have compiled a 'Summer Bucket List' which we plan to complete by the time summer rolls to a close. The details are still being worked out, but keep reading and you'll hear about our every adventure. 

Just a little taste of life..


Do not take life too seriously.  You will never get out of it alive.  ~ Elbert Hubbard

Thursday, June 17, 2010

"Don't be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of." - Charles Richards

This past week has been nothing short of amazing, and it seems to just keep getting better and better. Each day there's always something new going on - something new to do or discover. And for the first time in my life I feel like I'm truly seizing the day. I'm no longer sitting at home wishing I would do something; now I'm actually out there, taking a chance, and living my life. It feels so fulfilling. I've loved every moment, even those that are filled with nervous jitters and the unknown.

As for the last week, I've been very busy. Last Friday was Senior Banquet - which I have to say was ten times more fun than prom for reasons which would exceed a reasonable number if I were to ever recount each. I think it will suffice to say that it was an amazing night, followed by an enjoyable weekend during which I went bowling with Vania and Amy and also attended my good friend Natalie's 18th Birthday/Graduation party. [Pictures below]

In addition to that, the last two editions of The Voyager, our school newspaper, finally came out which is very exciting! Also, I got two poems published in my school's Literary Club Magazine :) [Read below]

So in all, it's been a pretty spectacular week and in four days I'll be graduating high school! I can't believe it's finally here! It's so surreal - so bitter sweet, more sweet than bitter of course though. I can't wait to just throw my cap up in the air and know that I've accomplished everything that I set out to do freshman year and then some.

I hope all of you are enjoying life..Carpe Diem!

From Senior Banquet

my outfit for the night..

Me and Natalie :)

Simmi and Me

Amy, me and Vania before the Banquet :)

Everyone <3


Vania, Amy and me

Natalie's 18th/Graduation Party!

Me and Vania

Xin, Jada, Natalie and me :)

With the Birthday Girl! Delicious chocolate strawberries..yum

Me, Xin and Jada just hanging out on the couch

And then here are the two poems which were published in the Lit Magazine:


You walked by, with your usual nonchalance –
the airs of a gentlemen.

Goose bumps crept up my spine
As a deep crimson stained my cheeks.

Each glance made me smile
Each moment, a chance to breathe.

For a while you gave me air,
But now you’re just a passing gasp.

Each day is a struggle
Each moment spent near you,
            an unknown emotion.

How to feel around the unrequited?
How should you feel – in the wake of such uncertainty
and fear?

I gave you all of me
            Or so I thought.

Was it me all along – the bearer of such heartbreak?
- the clog in the pipe?

They all said it was you
            Or just time.

But they didn’t understand what we had
            Then again, neither do I.

Leaves frown upon the end of their time,
Saddening all that notice with their dulling colors
And deforming shapes.

Rotting from base to crest,
Stealing lives from the undefended.

A strong gust of wind,
No saving grace.

A boiling drop of frost,
No shielding hand.

Take notice,
At the injustice of the skies,
And the glimmer through the clouds.
One day fortune may not be so favored,
And life will be left up solely to the divine.

love, christina

Monday, June 7, 2010

I've got a case of the mondays..

Have you ever had one of those days where everything just seemed.. off? Well, that's how today felt for me. At the moment I'm attributing it to a sporadic case of the mondays, and hopefully tomorrow will be a much better day. 
“Your idea of bliss is to wake up on a Monday morning knowing you haven't a single engagement for the entire week. You are cradled in a white paper cocoon tied up with typewriter ribbon.” - Edna Ferber

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Love the crisp air of summer...

Helloo, so today was a beautiful summer day - no humidity, just a warm breeze and the wonderful shining sun. And after a very eventful weekend filled with many ups and downs, all I could think about today was trying to enjoy myself and just live life to the fullest. I hadn't a care in the world, and oh did it feel sooo good. I hope all of you are enjoying your summers, whether or not they're jam packed with events try to enjoy each moment of your life. There's no use in waiting for tomorrow, when you could do whatever it is you want to today.

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is hardly a waste of time. - John Lubbock

much love,